The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


25 plant name records match your search criteria Acrocryphaea. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

  • Acrocryphaea; species epithets begin with: B C E G H J K L M P R S T W

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Acrocryphaea blumenauiana (Hampe) M. Fleisch. Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea caripensis (Müll. Hal.) Hampe Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea coffeae (Müll. Hal.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea coffeae var. laxiretis Thér. ex Bizot Synonym L TRO
Acrocryphaea concavifolia (Griff.) Bosch & Sande Lac. Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea evanescens (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea gardneri (Mitt.) A. Jaeger Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea henschenii (Müll. Hal. ex Ångstr.) M. Fleisch. Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea julacea (Dozy & Molk.) A. Jaeger Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea julacea var. costaricensis Renauld & Cardot Synonym L TRO
Acrocryphaea kunertii (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea latifolia Broth. & P. de la Varde Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea latifolia var. microspora P. de la Varde Synonym L TRO
Acrocryphaea leiboldii (Müll. Hal.) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea leptopteris (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea madagassa (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea paraguensis Besch. Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea plicatula Dixon & Thér. Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea robusta Broth. Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea rubricaulis (Mitt.) A. Jaeger Accepted M TRO
Acrocryphaea subintegra (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea subintegra var. idanreensis P.W. Richards & S.R. Edwards Synonym L TRO
Acrocryphaea subrobusta Broth. & P. de la Varde Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea tisserantii Thér. & P. de la Varde Synonym M TRO
Acrocryphaea welwitschii (Duby) Broth. Synonym M TRO